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Q: What is the candian dollar worth against the us dollar?
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How much is a Candian penny worth in the us?

1 cent Canadian

Why is the Candian dollar worth more than the US dollar?

mostly because of our resourses, there is a high demand for our minerals and oil, whichcan be bought in CDN $, which would be converted from the euro creating a rise in demand and in value

Is Candian money and US money worth the same?

Bear in mind that the exchange rate between US and Canadian currency (or between any two currencies) fluctuates on a daily basis. At the present time (January 2010) the Canadian dollar is worth a few cents less than the US dollar. The value is very close.

How much is a candian dollar worth?


What is A candian dollar value in Us currency?

Go to, among many sites that provide conversion info.

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1 Australian dollar is worth 1.06 Dollar in US

How much is 1 bahamian dollar worth in the US America?

One Bahamian dollar in the US is worth one dollar.

40 dollars candian money is coverted to how much in us dollar?

As of today August 20th, $40.00 = $36.60 it fluxuates day to day

How much is an American dollar worth in Europe?

A US dollar is worth 0.9822561 of a dollar in Europe

Is a Norwegian krone worth more than a US dollar?

1 US dollar= 5.68 norweigan krone so no the us dollar is worth more.

What is a 1979 us dollar worth?

It's still worth one dollar.

What is Candian Money called?

Dollars, just like here in the US. Which is why most references to Canadian currency will have a big C next to the dollar sign.