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Q: What is the cannabis in the world?
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Related questions

Were does Canada rank in the world for the most cannabis?

Canada ranks 17th in the world as far as the use of Cannabis is concerned.

Are cannabis legal in china?

No there are very few places around the world where cannabis is legal.

How popular is cannabis?

Answer: 4% (162 million people) of the world's adult population uses cannabis annually.

What was the first drug introduced and when?

Cannabis, whenever the world was invented.

Why is cannabis made?

cannabis is not man made, it is a plant that grows from the ground just like any other plant in the world. why it was put there is a another question that needs to be asked.

What are the qualities of a Cannabis culture?

Cannabis culture has been around for centuries and is continuously evolving. There are many different qualities that make up a cannabis culture. Some of these qualities include:-A love and appreciation for the plant-A desire to learn about all aspects of cannabis-A respect for those who have been involved in the cannabis industry for many years-A willingness to share knowledge with others-An open mind towards new ideas and ways of doing things-A passion for cannabis and its many usesThese are just a few of the many qualities that make up a cannabis culture. As the world continues to learn more about this plant, we are sure that there will be even more amazing qualities that emerge.

Can you get cannabis over the counter?

No, it is not a legal over-the-counter drug or plant anywhere in the world.

Does the word cannabis have to be capitalized?

Cannabis shouldn't be capitalized unless it's at the beginning of a sentence because it's not a proper noun. Cannabis does need to be capitalized when using its proper taxonomic names, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica or Cannabis ruderalis.

How many people use cannabis daily?

It is estimated that nearly 700,000 people smoke cannabis each day world wide. And another 50,000 people trying it for the first time.

Did the ancient Maya use marijuana?

No. Cannabis was not introduced to the new world until the Spanish arrived.

Are any effects of cannabis beneficial?

Results from the world's largest study into the medical effects of cannabis have shown that the drug can reduce pain and improve the lives of people with multiple sclerosis.Scientists concluded that patients for whom other treatments have failed should be given tablets made from cannabis derivatives.

Can you OD on cannabis?

No. It's not possible to OD on Cannabis.