

What is the cantonese word for tiger?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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8y ago

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Tiger = 虎 (Hu3)

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Q: What is the cantonese word for tiger?
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In Mandarin tiger is 老虎 (Lǎohǔ), But I cannot help you with Cantonese, I do not know very much Cantonese. Sorry!

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'Cat' in Cantonese is 'Maau.'

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Cantonese is a dialect that people speak in China.

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Mandarin: Shang Cantonese: Soeng

How do you write scared in cantonese?

The word scared in English is written the same in Cantonese. The meaning is the same as well. Since Cantonese is a form of simplified Chinese, they often use English letters and the alphabet. To translate into Cantonese letters, however, you can use a translation book.

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How can you use Cantonese in a sentence?

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