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The capacity of a standard hand shovel is approximately 30 cubic inches. The capacity varies as to the type of material measured.

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Q: What is the capacity of a standard hand shovel in cu inches?
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Hand me that shovel.

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The weight capacity of a standard hand pallet jack is 1000kg. You can read more at Most of the standard hand palley jacks have a maximum capacity of between 3,000 and 5,000 pounds. Some lighter weight jacks can only hold about 1000 pounds.

Why is a hand now a standard 4 inches?

Well this is just how things happened...

What is the definition of hand trowel?

A small shovel for use in one hand.

Why is a shovel a simple machine?

A shovel is a lever. it has a handle, and one hand sets a fulcrum with the load set opposite the hand that is not the fulcrum. It might be argued that the leading edge of the shovel is a wedge making your shovel a compound machine, but that's cutting things fine.

Which Hand tool to dig the soil?

shovel or backhoe

What is the size of a mans hand?

A standard, official man's hand is exactly 14.67 cm wide and 17.72 cm long. This hand was standardised by the international comission on weights and measures in 1892, and a platinum hand is held in the Louvre in Paris as a world-wide standard.

What is a hand in reference to horses?

A hand is the universal method of measuring the height of a horse. One hand equals 4 inches. 4 inches is the width of the average man's hand held sideways. It was a simple standard way to measure horses when people were horse trading and selling.

What came before the cement mixer?

A shovel...hand mixed

What is another word for a trowel?

miniture shovel, or hand spade.

How many inches are in a horse hand?

Four inches is one hand on a horse.