

What is the cartiliage?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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cartilage is not bone it is the skeleton of a shark the shark's body's skeleton is made of cartilage the top of your ear is made of cartilage

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Q: What is the cartiliage?
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What are hair and teeth made of?

Hair and teeth are made of cartiliage. Cartilige is the parts of body with no bone. There are bones in your fingers, just notyour nails.

What causes blisters around a cartiliage piercing?

Playing with the piercing too much. Also, not washing your hands before handling it. It's a very sensitive area to begin with and it is easily infected.

What do chinease do with the sharks that they catch?

Depending on the fisherman, they will use the fins for soup, the meat for meat, the maw for medicine and supplements to prevent cancer, the liver for cod liver oil, the cartiliage for shark cartiliage supplements, the skin for leather and the teeth for medicine. The heart or other organs may also be used in "medicines" as the Chinese homeopaths equate sharks as powerful or virility stimulators. They can and may use almost every part of the shark. Some fisherman will fin or take the meat only. But, Chinese have a large market for all parts of the shark.Special:UnAnsweredQ Shark Wrangler,

Is a swordfish's sword bone?

A swordfish uses it's sword bill to thrash fish in a school and then swims around picking up and eating its sliced up prey.

What would happen if you pierced your cartiliage yourself?

Well other then hitting a vein, creating a bloody mess, doing permanent damage to the ear cartilage, a possible infection from poor disinfection and aftercare practices and winding up with a botched piercing you won't be happy with? That about sums it up, leave body piercing to the trained professionals and get something you will be happy with right from the start.

Ear stretching facts?

Ear stretching hurts. It is also permanant when you go past 9mm, so be completely sure you want to do it. Could you imagine being 80 with a big flappy ear? You can only stretch flesh, so don't even attempt to stretch cartilage, as people who have plugs in cartiliage have had a circle actually cut out and removed. I started to stretch my ear when I was 12, but when I got to 13, I decided it wasn't for me. Really think about it, as it may look cool when your young, but it's as permanent as a tattoo.

What is the function of the soft palate in fetal pigs?

The structures of the larynx of a fetal pig include a hard wall and cartilaginous tissue. It is located inside the throat.

What does an ear piercing feel like?

It's a bit uncomfortable at first, but soon atfer you can take it out switch it and enjoy it!! I have lots of ear cartilage pericings im only 13 lol & i collect them! I have my lobe, ear cartiliage known as 'helix' and also my tragus right nex to my ear hole! The tragus hurt more then the belly button i got done but it wasnt too bad. The 'helix' or top ear cartilage, I got both done, & with a gun not very smart. I'd prefer much a needle, because the actual sound of the gun hurt more then the needle! It was really quick and I got both sides done it was a bit un-comfortable to sleep but after a day or two I could sleep on it. Next I hope to get done is lip and my second lobe peircing!!

How are the tibia and fibula connected?

The Tibia and fibula are the only bones connecting knee and ankle. The tibia is the main weight bearing bone. The Fibula provides the top attachments for the muscles which raise the foot pivoting at the ankle. Also muscles for raising and straightening the toes. The Tibia also has the top attachments for the main muscles of the calf which enable one to walk tip-toe with the foot pivoted down at the ankle. Again 'Weight-bearing'. With a smashed Fibula you could still walk if willing. Probably not with a smashed Tibia. Tibia also is a blood cell factory inside the marrow.