

What is the category of Trojan horse?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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very bad my friend just got one Trojan horse and within 3 days his computer just stopped working.

its one big virus and has many viruses within it.

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Q: What is the category of Trojan horse?
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Was there a Trojan horse?

yes there was a Trojan Horse.

What type of malware substitutes itself for a legitimate program?

A Trojan Horse.

Which city was the Trojan Horse in?

The Trojan horse was pulled into Troy, hence 'Trojan'.

What are the types of Trojan horse virus?

There aren't types of Trojan Horse virus. A Trojan Horse is a type of virus.

What was the name of the horse that was used in the Trojan war?

The Trojan Horse

Why was the Trojan Horse useful?

The Trojan Horse was a very successful distraction to allow the Greeks to infiltrate the town of Troy. The Trojan Horse was used during the Trojan war.

What city was named after the Trojan horse?

No city was named after the Trojan horse.

What was the Trojan Horse made from?

The Trojan horse was made out of wood.

What is the genre of The Trojan Horse?

The Trojan Horse is a historical fiction novel.

How do you make a Trojan virus through java?

'you need a Trojan horse to create a Trojan virus' LOL , Trojan Horse itself is a Virus !

Was the Trojan horse built in the 1600?

The "Trojan Horse" was built in 1600 AD

Did Athena make up the Trojan horse?

No, the Trojan Horse was Odysseus's idea.