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Warm water evaporates off the surface faster than cool water, assuming the same temperature of the air mass aloft.

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Q: What is the cause for more clouds forming over warm water than over cold water?
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How does altitude affect clouds?

As altitude increases, air pressure decreases, causing it to expand and cool. This cooling can lead to condensation of water vapor, forming clouds at higher altitudes. Different types of clouds form at different altitudes, with lower clouds typically forming closer to the ground, and higher clouds forming at greater altitudes.

What are the examples of condensation?

Examples of condensation include water droplets forming on the outside of a cold glass of water, fog forming on a cool morning, and clouds forming in the atmosphere when warm air rises and cools down.

Why do clouds form behind a moving cold front?

They form from behind the moving cold front because the warm air condenses quickly producing clouds, rain, and stormy weather.

Does Uranus have clouds on it?

Yes, but not water vapor clouds - it's too cold.

When snow forms in clouds the surrounding air warms?

When snow forms in clouds, it means that the air is cold enough for the water vapor to freeze into ice crystals. This process releases a small amount of heat, but overall, the air temperature around the snow-forming cloud remains cold.

What can you infer about the height at which jet airplanes fly based on the fact that their contrails form cirrus clouds?

Jet airplanes fly at high altitudes, typically between 30,000 and 40,000 feet. When their exhaust gases mix with cold air at these altitudes, the water vapor in the exhaust condenses and freezes, forming contrails which can then spread out and create cirrus clouds. This indicates that the contrails and cirrus clouds are forming at a high altitude where the air is cold enough for the water vapor to freeze.

When combined does the different types of clouds cause a cold front?

No, different types of clouds do not cause a cold front. A cold front forms when a mass of cold air advances and displaces warmer air, creating a boundary between the two air masses. Clouds can form along this boundary due to the changes in temperature and humidity, but they do not cause the cold front itself.

When water vapor freezes on a cold surface liquid water forms immediately?

False. When water vapor freezes on a cold surface, it directly turns into ice without forming liquid water in between. This process is known as deposition.

Why are clouds often along a cold front?

Clouds often form along a cold front because the cold air mass pushes under the warm air mass, causing the warm air to rise rapidly. As the warm air rises, it cools and condenses, forming clouds and potentially precipitation along the front.

What is the cause of a storm and how does it work?

Storms are caused by the interaction of warm and cold air masses, which leads to instability in the atmosphere. As warm air rises and cools, condensation occurs, forming clouds and precipitation. Wind patterns and pressure differences also play a role in the development and intensification of storms.

What happens to the vapor in the air when it gets cold?

When the vapor in the air gets cold, it condenses into liquid water droplets. This process is called condensation. This is why you see fog, clouds, or dew forming when the temperature drops and the vapor in the air loses heat energy.

Do clouds get cold or hot?

do clouds get hot or cold