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Q: When snow forms in clouds the surrounding air warms?
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What temperature does the air need to be for it to snow?

The air at ground level or the air at the altitude where the snow forms? Snow forms in clouds and then falls. Therefore it can be and usually is warmer at ground level than in the clouds...Answer...water moisture freezes at 0° C or 32° F so it would have to be freezing in the clouds where the snow forms.

What forms of precipitation comes from clouds?

Rain, hail, sleet, snow, fog.

What is rain caused by?

Rain is caused when the precipitation forms into clouds and the clouds get heavy and if it is cold enough then it will snow or if it is warm the it will rain.

What is rain and snow and sleet and hail all forms of?

it is a form of water from the clouds dah ....

What is it called when water vapor forms in clouds leading precipitation in the form of rain or snow?

The process of the formation of clouds and precipitation is called condensation.

Is all the energy that earth receives from the sun used in photosynthesis?

No.Some is reflected or absorbed by clouds and dust in the atmosphere.Some warms the earth.Some is reflected by ice and snow.

What weather is it when stratus clouds form?

Fair weather and/or snow or rain. (closest to the ground it forms: fog)

Are clouds required for snow?

yes. clouds are formed by water. what makes snow? FROZEN WATER!!! so yes you need clouds to have snow

How are clouds on earth different from clouds on neptune?

In Earth, the clouds has rain, snow, and hail. But in Neptune, they clouds doesn't has snow or hail.

When water falls from clouds what forms can take?

it can form into hail, snowflakes, can take the form of rain,snow,hail..

What are the basic forms in which water can be found?

Solid (ice, snow), Liquid (just plain water), Gas (fog, clouds).

After a cloud forms where do the clouds go?

Clouds travel with the wind. They remain clouds until the water vapor becomes precipitation. The water cycle goes: evaporation, condensation, precipitation. Water evaporates and condenses into clouds, and then it precipitates (rain, sleet, snow).