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Beriberi is caused by a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1). Thiamine occurs naturally in unrefined cereals and fresh foods, particularly whole grain bread, fresh meat, legumes, green vegetables, fruit, and milk. Beriberi is therefore common in people whose diet excludes these particular types of nutrition e.g. as a result of famine. Beriberi may be found in people whose diet consists mainly of polished white rice, which is very low in thiamine because the thiamine-bearing husk has been removed. It can also be seen in chronic alcoholics with an inadequate diet (Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome), as well as being a rare side effect of gastric bypass surgery. If a baby is mainly fed on the milk of a mother who suffers from thiamine deficiency then that child may develop beriberi as well. The disease was often found in Asian countries (especially in the 19th century and before), due to those countries' reliance on white rice as a staple food.

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What deficiency cause beriberi?

Deficiency of Vitamin B-1 or Thiamine causes beriberi. There are two types of beriberi, dry and wet.

What cause deficiency?

Deficiency of Vitamin B-1 or Thiamine causes beriberi. There are two types of beriberi, dry and wet.

What is the hypothesis of the strange case of beriberi?

Scientist thought it might be cause by bacteria.

The vitamin that prevents beriberi is?

The nutrient that prevents beriberi

What is beriberi lacking in?

Beriberi (also called lack of vitamin B1), beriberi is a systemic disease which was due to a lack of vitamin B1 in vivo .

What is dry beriberi?

Wet beriberi affects the cardiovascular system. Dry beriberi affects the nervous system.

What are the forms of beriberi?

In adults, there are different forms of beriberi, classified according to the body systems most affected. Dry beriberi involves the nervous system; wet beriberi affects the heart and circulation.

How did people catch beriberi?

You get beriberi by not eating enough vitamin B.

What is the scientific name of beriberi disease?

scientific name of beriberi disease

Why did eijkman begin by looking for microorganisms as a cause of beriberi?

Eijkman did this because (at the time of looking for microorganisms) other scientists had recently shown that microorganisms caused a number of diseases and he thought that he had a chance to find beriberi was truly caused by a microogansm. :)

What are the demographics of beriberi?

It is common in parts of southeast Asia.In the United States, beriberi is primarily seen in people with chronic alcoholism.severe beriberi is uncommon in the United States.

What is the nutrition deficiency that gives rise to Beriberi?

Beriberi is a deficiency in Vitamin B1, thiamine.