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Having had this condition for years, I can tell you that the possible causes are many, may require a myriad of tests to search for the answer, and in some cases like mine the answer is -- apparently -- never known. You should definitely report your concern and your symptoms to your doctor, and if you're in a good HMO like I am, they will gladly expend an astounding effort in the way of test resources etc. to find the answer. Don't put this off. It might be something very serious and wanting to be caught ASAP.

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17y ago
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10y ago

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS is a disorder that results to a long-term disabling tiredness. Its cause is currently unknown, but experts speculate that it is related to a viral infection such as glandular fever.

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13y ago

No mtter where your at or what your doing,You will have to stop everythang and lay down and sleep,Listen to your body! If you don't get enough rest it'll get worse! Trust me i know!

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13y ago

One is a build up of lactic acid, a product of anaerobic respiration which gives you cramps. Anaerobic respiration is making energy without oxygen. This happens when you overwork your muscles.

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11y ago

Chronic fatigue can be linked to a variety of issues. Lack of sleep, what a person eats, and how much exercise one gets to contribute to the feeling of being tired all the time. Checking with your doctor will also help eliminate any other underlying issues.

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11y ago

There are many factors that causes chronic fatigue:

  • Not enough sleep
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Too much caffeine
  • Diabetes
  • Dehydration
  • Loss of memory or concentration
  • Shift work/sleep
  • Sleep apnea
  • Anemia
  • Thyroid glands
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11y ago

The main causes of fatigue are stress and weakness according to the Medicine magazine. A dedicated agent will be happy to help you find more information on their official website.

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There are many things that can cause small red dots and nausea and fatigue. The infection cellulitis can cause nausea, fatigue, and skin rashes.

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The mitochondria is the organelle that can cause fatigue. Mitochondria are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration. If mitochondria are not functioning efficiently, it can lead to decreased energy production and result in fatigue.

Does Chronic fatigue syndrome cause fatigue?

One recent study concluded that depression was the result of CFS and was not its cause

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Chlamydia may cause fatigue, particularly if the infection is causing pelvic inflammatory disease or other complications.

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Yes, rapid weight loss can cause adrenal fatigue. It can be extremely dangerous.

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Some patients with vasculitic neuropathy will experience fatigue

Does alcohol detox cause tiredness?

Yes it does cause tiredness and fatigue.

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