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A river has three sections, upper, middle and lower. Meander bends occur in the middle section when the river is not as high up and has a shallower slope (gradient) so it has more power to erode sideways. It also has a greater volume, as more tributaries have joined, so less water is touching the banks of the river thus there is less friction acting on it and it has more power. A meander starts at the deeper side of the river where it flows faster and has more power to erode sideways. i don't have time to finish this go to a siter for more information.

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I am sorry but I do not know the answer to your question. The previous answer... was very inappropriate, and I am trying to help to get rid of those inappropriate answers. I believe no answer is better than a wrong answer or something inappropriate and has nothing to do with the question. Sorry :)

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Q: What is the cause of meander?
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How is a oxbow lake made?

As a river meander downstream, erosion occurs on the outside exits of each meander and deposition on the inside exit. (Erosion occurs on the outside because this is where the water is flowing fastest and hence has more energy to erode.) An oxbow lake is basically formed when the meander behind erodes faster than the one in front. This then causes the river to break through and creates a straighter segment of channel. The water diverts away from the previous meander and chooses the straighter alternative. The water in the meander has low energy so deposits its load which over time will cause the previous meander to be completely cut off from the main river and will cause an oxbow lake.

How sediment buildup and erosion in a meander can alter the course of a river?

As a river deposits sediment on the inside of a meander and erodes the outside of the meander, the meander migrates toward the outside edge

What is the deinition of a Meander?

A meander in general is a bend in a sinuous watercourse

What ia a meander?

A meander in general is a bend in a sinuous watercourse

What does river meander mean?

A meander is a bend or such like in a river

What is a sentence with the word meander?

(Meander means to follow a tortuous and winding course, named for the River Meander which did just that. )Examples :He was known to meander on foot through the streets of the old city.I suggested we meander along the path then stop and have a coffee somewhere.As the professor got older, he tended to meander through his lectures.

What are some Examples of a meander?

a meander is a sharp turn in a river. also the meander would of been eroded to make a sharp curve :)

When did Battle of the Meander happen?

Battle of the Meander happened in 1147-12.