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it may be the ER membrane

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Q: What is the cellular structure that produces carbohydrates and lipids?
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Synthesis of carbohydrates and lipids occurs in the structure labeled?

Golgi Apparatus

What molecules are burned in cellular respirtation?

Mostly glucose ,but other carbohydrates , proteins and lipids can be used .

How do carbohydrates proteins and lipids differ in structure and function?

because sum reason

What structure attaches carbohydrates and lipids to proteins using enzymes?

golgi body

What functions do carbohydrates and lipids perform in living things?

Carbohydrates serve as a primary source of energy in living organisms, providing fuel for cellular processes. They also play a role in cellular communication and structure. Lipids, on the other hand, are vital for energy storage, insulation, and cushioning in organisms. They constitute the building blocks of cell membranes and serve as precursors for steroid hormones and vitamin synthesis.

What is the meaning of raw materials in cellular respiration?

Mitochondria are the sites of cellular respiration. they use raw materials such as------------- molecular oxygen to oxidise the carbohydrates and lipids

How does the structure of proteins differ from the structure of carbohydrates?

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats (lipids) all have the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in them. However, on top of that, protein ALSO has nitrogen in it, and this is how it differs.

Are steroids proteins carbohydrates or lipids?

Steroids are lipids. Lipids are organic soluble, instead of water soluble. Their basic structure is that of the steroid ring: four linked rings of carbon.

What does the smooth ER release?

Endoplasmic reticulum devoid of ribosomes are smooth er.

What is the significance of cho cho chon chonp?

They symbolize the structure of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

What are the four macromolecules of life?

The four major macromolecules are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

What do proteins have that carbohydrates and lipids don't?

They have Nitrogen in them But some carbohydrates and lipids have N