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middle stone age(mesolithic age)

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Q: What is the change form the old to the new stone age called?
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Stone age was called?

stone age

Why is the old stone age called the old stone age?

The old stone age is called the old stone age because that age was when humans first began and made stone implements \ tools out of stone which was not so fine and polished as the tools in the new stone age.The old stone age is also called the palaeolithic age

The old stone age is also called the?

the old stone age is also called the paleolithic age

What change marked the beginning of a new stone age?

The domestication of plants and animals marked the beginning of the Neolithic (New Stone Age) period. This transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture led to the development of permanent settlements, specialized labor, and advancements in technology.

Did people in the new stone age have a written language?

During the New Stone Age, also known as the Neolithic period, people did not have a fully developed written language. They primarily communicated through spoken language, symbols, and early forms of pictographs to convey information. Writing systems as we know them today developed later in human history.

Did stone age people have tools?

Yes, they were made out of stone, that was why it was called the stone age.

Was metallurgy used in the stone age?

No. That's why they called it the stone age.

Why Stone Age was called the Stone Age by archaeologists and historians?

Because then era use the tools of stone

What is another term for Paleolithic Age?

Another term for the Paleolithic Age is the Old Stone Age.

What is the early phase of the stone age?

The new stone age is Neolithic, the middle stone age is Mesolithic, and the old stone age is called Paleolithic.

Is the first stone age called neolithic age?

No, the first Stone Age period is called the Paleolithic Age. The Neolithic Age came after the Paleolithic Age and is characterized by the development of agriculture and more complex societies.

Was granite found in the stone age?

You would think because it was called the stone age.