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The changes in ozone layer is the ozone hole. It is the thinning of ozone layer.

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Q: What is the changes of ozone deplection?
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How control ozone deplection?

The ozone depletion can be controlled by minimizing the use of ODS. These ODS contain CFC which deplete ozone.

What effects can ozone deplection have on the environment?

If there is ozone depletion. UV rays will enter the earth. These are fatal for life.

What impact does ozone deplection have on society?

Ozone depletion protects us from UV rays. These rays are harmful for human beings.

What chemical changes the protective ozone layer?

Ozone layer has undergone various changes. These are the depletion of ozone molecules.

What Changes Do Ozone DeplationCause In Nature?

Ozone depletion can cause various changes. Draughts, global warming etc are some of them.

Depletion to the ozone layer can cause changes to the biogeochemical cycles?

It is true that depletion to the ozone layer can cause changes to the biogeochemical cycles.

How chlorid change ozone to bad ozon?

Ozone is bad at ground. Chloride changes it into that.

Why is it harmful when ozone absorbs ultraviolet rays and changes into normal oxygen?

It is not. It only decays the ozone. It will form ozone again.

What causes changes to the ozone layer?

The amount of ozone in a space is a balance of net producers of ozone, net reducers of ozone, and time (ozone decays on its own...).So the ozone layer changes with temperature, time and season. For example, the ozone hole is an annual phenomenon at each pole. Only the size and duration of the hole may be due to Man's actions.

How is ozone can be harmful or useful when it absorbs ultraviolet rays and changes into normal oxygen?

Ozone is useful. The oxygen forms again transforms to form ozone.

Is it useful or harmful when ozone in the upper atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet rays and changes into normal oxygen?

The oxygen formed in upper atmosphere is not for breathing. It forms again into ozone by natural phenomenons.

Why are they changes in the atmosphere?

Because of the contamination, and the destructionof the ozone layer.