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Q: What is the character of rights and freedom that Pierre trudeau signed?
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What did Pierre Trudeau do for human Rights?

Pierre Trudeau, as Prime Minsiter of Canada, was the author of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which became part of the Canadian constitution in 1980, and which is the foundation of human rights in Canada.

Who came up with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Pierre trudeau

What are the names of the premiers who agreed on the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms in 1982?

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau introduced the charter and heæand Queen Elizabeth II signed it into effect in 1982. It was considered a Bill of Rights to include all Canadians freedom and there was a special clause for Aborigianal rights.

What should Pierre Trudeau be remembered for?

Pierre Elliott Trudeau from (1919-2000) served as prime minister (conservitive party) of Canada from 1968 to 1979 and from 1980 to 1984.

When did the charter rights and freedom become part of your constitution?

The charter rights and freedom become part of your constitution in 1982. Prime Minister Trudeau signed off on the charter constitution with the queen there and without the approval of Quebec.

Who wrote the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

It is part of the Canadian Constitution, so the Canadian Legislature and the Queen of Canada/England were involved in its enactment. It guarantees certain political and civil rights to Canadians.

What were the contributions that Pierre trudeau made?

Pierre Trudea added a Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the Canadian Constitution in 1982.

Which Prime Minister from Saskatchewan is responsible for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Saskatchewan's John Diefenbaker, Canada's Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963, was responsible for the Bill of Rights, which turned out to be a rather toothless piece of legislation. Pierre Elliot Trudeau is the Prime Minister responsible for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is enshrined in Canada's Constitution.

What four themes were central to trudea's concept of a Just society?

Pierre Trudeau's concept of a Just Society was centered on equality, individual rights, social justice, and inclusivity. He sought to create a society where all citizens had equal opportunities and rights, and where social inequalities were addressed through government action.

Which freedoms are in the Bill of Rights?

Freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of rights,freedom of speech,

Are freedom and rights linked?

How are rights and freedom linked.

What are the five rights known as the freedom of expression rights?

The five basic rights are known as... # Freedom of Speech # Freedom of Press # Freedom of Assembly # Freedom of Religion # Freedom of Petition