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The charge on a fluoride ion is -1.

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Q: What is the charge of a fluoride atom?
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Why does the Fluoride ion have a charge of 1-?

it gains an atom

What is the ionic charge of fluoride ion?

It is a single negative charge, so the fluoride ion is denoted F-. The fluorine atom gains one electron to incur a single negative charge of -1.

What elements make up hydrogen fluoride?

Fluoride is an ion consisting of a single atom of fluorine atom with a -1 charge. The fluoride in toothpaste and other dental products is sodium fluoride , consisting of sodium, and fluorine.

Chemical formula of a fluoride atom?

'Fluoride atom'. ???? The fluorine ATOM is 'F' The fluorine molecule is 'F2'. The Fluoride ION is 'F^-' NB When an atom becomes a charged species, it is no longer an atom , but an ION. The suffix '--ide' indicates it is an ion, not an atom. So 'Fluoride atom' is a nonsense. It is either 'Fluoride ion' or Fluorine atom'.

How could a fluorine atom change into a fluorine ion?

A fluorine atom changes into a fluoride ion by gaining one electron and developing a 1- charge.

How many electrons does a neutral fluoride atom contain?

Fluorine is the name of the element and has 9 electrons. Fluoride is the name of the halide ion, carries a 1- charge and has 10 electrons.

Why is fluoride ion larger than the fluoride atom?

Because it has an extra electron

What is the name of the compound that is a mixture of fluorine and hydrogen?

It is hydrogen fluoride with chemical formula HF. It contains one fluoride atom and one hydrogen atom per hydrogen fluoride molecule.

What are the compounds contained in Fluoride called?

Fluoride is fluorine's anion; it is a fluorine atom with an extra electron, giving it a negative charge. Thus, the compounds contained within it, like those of any atom, would be protons, neutrons, and electrons. The protons and neutrons are composed of quarks. Fluroide can bond with metallic cations to form salts, such as sodium fluoride, which is often found in toothpaste.

What does a fluoride ion have in common with a neon atom and a sodium atom?

what does an atom have in common with an ion?

Charge of fluoride ion?

Fluoride ion is a singly negative ion.

Why does fluoride have 2 ions in the compound cadmium fluoride CdF2?

The cadmium ion has a 2+ charge and each fluoride ion has a 1- charge, so two fluoride ions are needed to balance the 2+ charge of cadmium. Two F- ions provide a total negative charge of 2- to balance the 2+ charge of cadmium.