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The element with atomic number 24 is chromium, Cr. It therefore has 24 protons in the atom's nucleus. Since it only has 22 electrons, it has lost two electrons (to another atom), thereby incurring a double positive charge. The ion would be Cr2+ with charge +2.

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Q: What is the charge of an ion that has an atomic number of 24 and contains 22 e?
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How is charge related to oxidation number?

Charge refers to the electrical charge of an ion, which is the number of valence electrons gained or lost by an atom. Oxidation number, on the other hand, is a hypothetical charge assigned to an atom in a compound based on a set of rules. The oxidation number can be used to determine the charge of an ion in a compound, but it does not always represent the true charge of the atom.

What is the charge of an ion that contains 21 protons and 19 electrons?

This ion will have a charge of -1. The atomic number is the number of protons in the atom's nucleus. A neutral atom will have a number of electrons equal to the atomic number, which is the number of protons in that nucleus. Since you have an extra electron your atom has a negative charge of one electron's worth, or minus one, which is 1.6 x 10-19 coulombs.

What would you need to tell the number of protons and electrons present in an ion?

The atomic number of the element in the ion, when there is only one such element, and the atomic charge on the ion. For example, in Na+1, the atomic number is 11; this gives the number of protons. The number of electrons is equal to the atomic number minus the charge on the ion, in this instance, 10 electrons. If the sign on the ion is negative, as in O-2, remember that subtracting a negative number is equivalent to adding the positive number of the same magnitude. Thus, oxygen has an atomic number of 8, and 8 - (-2) equals 10 electrons.

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Atomic number : 26Atomic mass : 55.845 Net charge : +3

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A fluorine ion with atomic number 9 and 10 electrons has a charge of -1 because it has one extra electron as compared to the number of protons (10-9 = 1). Its symbol is F-.

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Ions do not have an atomic number as they are atoms or molecules that have gained or lost electrons, altering their charge. The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

How many electrons are in a nickel ion that has an atomic number of 28 and a positive charge of 2?

A nickel ion with a +2 charge has lost 2 electrons. Since the atomic number of nickel is 28 and it is now a +2 ion, it has 26 electrons remaining (28 - 2 = 26).

How do you find the number of electrons for an element?

It is the same as the number of protons if it is a neutral atom, or the number of protons plus the charge of the ion. The number of protons is the atomic number of the element.