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Anti infectors that absorb white blood cells. To live you must Add salt to water about 200g and drink it.

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Q: What is the chemical produced in your body to fight infection?
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Are antibodies organisms that produce infection?

No, antibodies are produced by your body to fight infection.

Which of these is the best definition for interferon?

a chemical produced by the body to fight viral infections

Can the use of marijuana can help the body fight off infection?

No, the use of marijuana can not help the body fight off infection. It has helped the body reduce pain.

Why does your p burn?

Infection or chemical imbalance in the body.

What system helps fight body infection?

Lymphatic system

What does skin help fight infection?

It Covers so that the infection can't go inside your body

What two ways do white blood cells fight infection?

they fight of by killing ants in your body

What are the cons of antibiotics?

They kill both good and bad bacteria and can destroy antibodies that your body has produced to help you naturally fight off infections making you more susceptible to get another infection

Can a sore throat lead to fever?

Yes, but not necessarily always. A sore throat is a sign that globulins are being produced. Globulins help your body fight infection and are graded depending on the severity of the infection. For example, alphaglobulins are produced in mild infections and gammaglobulins in more severe or prolonged infection. The receptors for these are found in the tonsils and nose. This makes perfect sense, as the mouth and nose are common areas for infection to enter the body. If the production of globulins does not help fight infection, the body will raise its temperature (fever) as an inflammatory response in a hope that high temperature will kill off the invading bacteria or virus, which can only usually grow withina narrow temperature range.

How chemical defence mechanisms in the body reduce the chance of infection?

The "immune system" produces chemicals (or "antibodies") which help the body to fight infections. When a body part becomes inflamed, these chemicals are attracted to the area in an attempt to destroy any bacteria.

Why is vitamin A needed in your body?

promotes eyesight and helps fight infection.

Is it not dangerous then to cool the body while it is trying to fight infection?

no it's not