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Petrol is a hydrocarbon. Its molecular chain contains the water molecule. The heat produced during the burning of petrol as fuel in an internal combustion engine, frees the dihydrogen oxide molecule (water) from the chain. At this point it is held as a gas within the other burnt oxides. The gases are then ported to the exhaust system where the temperature falls and the gas condenses, forming water!

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15y ago
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2w ago

The combustion of petrol (hydrocarbons) involves a chemical reaction with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and heat. The general equation is: Petrol (hydrocarbon) + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + Heat

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15y ago

Burning of any hydrocarbon fuel in the open air, as opposed to combusting it in an engine or a burner like a camp stove, creates a more limited range of pollutants.

The primary product in either case is carbon dioxide (about 3 kg for every liter burned). The open burning evaporates a portion of the unburned liquid an releases it as hydrocarbon vapour. A portion of the vapour is partially burned and cracked by the flames' heat to produce carbon particulate (soot) and smaller organic compounds than were in the original fluid.

Almost no NOx will be produced as the heat is not high enough.

If the burning is taking place in water, some of the liquid will become heavier as the light ends are evaporated off by the fire's heat and may be left as aresidula when the fire dies down

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11y ago

Petrol, or gasoline, is mostly octane, which is C8H18. The equation for the complete combustion of propane is:

2C8H18 + 25O2 --> 16CO2 + 18H2O.

That one's a beast to balance. In combustion reactions, do the carbons first. Do the oxygens last. The hydrogens will take care of themselves.

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11y ago

Combustion is an oxidation reaction (reaction with oxygen); after burning of an organic material (containing especially C and H) oxygen is combined with carbon (and carbon dioxide is released) and hydrogen (and water, H2O is released).

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12y ago

Carbon dioxide and water, mostly.

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Q: What is the chemical reaction in the burning petrol?
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