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Rice is a complex mixture of compounds, not a single formula.

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1d ago

When rice is puffed, its starches are gelatinized into a glassy matrix structure, creating air pockets within the grain. The chemical structure of puffed rice remains primarily composed of carbohydrates (starches) with a low moisture content due to the puffing process.

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What is the Name of puffed paddy grains?

I believe it is puffed rice :D

What do they put in rice cakes?

Puffed rice, mostly.

What is the process of making flattened rice and puffed rice from rice?

It's made at special places. You make it. -riceologist and head of rice studies at the university of california

What are the raw materials used for puffed rice?

The raw materials used for puffed rice typically include rice grains, water, and heat. The rice grains are usually parboiled before being subjected to high heat, which causes them to expand and puff up. Some recipes may also include additional flavorings or ingredients like sugar or salt.

Is puffed rice cereal gluten free?

Puffed rice cereals are not GF, they often contain barley or malt for flavoring.

How many calories the rice flakes and puffed rice have?

There are 56 calories in 1 cup of Puffed Rice Cereal and but 1 cup of boiled rice 200 calories. It is just 1/4 of boiled rice :)

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What is the bad impact of eating puffed Rice?

Nothing that we know!.

Which is heavier a kilogram of rocks or a kilogram of puffed rice?

They are both the same weight. Though the mass of the rock would be a lot less than the much greater mass of the puffed rice.

What will happen to puffed rice when it is thrown onto the Van de Graff generator?

When puffed rice is thrown onto a Van de Graaff generator, the grains will be attracted to the generator due to static electricity buildup. The grains may stick to the surface of the generator momentarily before being repelled as the charge redistributes.