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O2 is the chemical formula for the diatomic molecule of oxygen.

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Q: What is the chemical symbol for O2?
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What is the chemical equivalent of oxygen?

O2 the the chemical symbol for oxygen

What is the chemical symbol for oxyen?

The chemical symbol for Oxygen is O. The formula for Oxygen gas is O2

What does O2 mean?

O2 is the chemical symbol for oxygen. if something has O2 in it it has 2 oxygen molecules=)

What is the chemical symbol for superoxide?

KO2, [O2-] being the superoxide anion.

What is chemical formula for oxygen?

The chemical formula for oxygen is O2 and for individual oxygen atom its symbol is O. Gases such as oxygen exist as diatomic molecules.

Where are the subscripts found in a chemical equation?

These subscripts are down the chemical symbol and at right. Example: O2

What is the chemical formula for oxygen and hydrogen?

Chemical Name = Oxygen Chemical Symbol = O There is no chemical formula for elements.

Does every atom contain carbon O2 and H20?

No; each atom is specific only for the isotopes of a chemical element. * Carbon is a a chemical element. * Oxygen is a a chemical element; O2 is the symbol of the diatomic molecule of oxygen. * H2O is the chemical formula for the molecule of water.

What does the chemical symbol OO mean?

You think probable to diatomic molecule of oxygen, O2.

Is o2 a symbol or formula?

o2 is a symbol. A formula is something like O2 + H2 -> H20

What is chemical symbol of oxygen?

O is the element oxygen. The Oxygen that we breathe is O2. The Oxygen in the ozone layer is O3.

What is the symbol for oxygen that is used in a reaction?

The chemical symbol for 0xygen is O, in nature most oxygen atoms are bonded with another oxygen atom to create an oxygen molecule which has the symbol O2