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The chemica symbol for argon is Ar

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Q: What is the chemical symbol of argon?
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Related questions

What does the chemical Ar stand for?

Ar is the chemical symbol for argon.

What is the chemical equation for argon?

There is no chemical equation for argon. A chemical equation describes a process, not an element or compound. Argon does have a chemical symbol, which is Ar.

Formula of compound argon?

Not formula but the chemical symbol for argon: Ar. Also argon is not a compound but a chemical element.

Chemical symbol Ar represents the element?

Ar is the symbol for the noble gas - argon.

Why does the chemical symbol represents argon?


Is argon a chemical?

Argon is a chemical element with symbol Ar. Its atomic number is 18, and it is a noble gas.

What is the chemical formula of argon?

Argon is element number 18, chemical symbol (rather than 'formula'): Ar

What is the chemical formula for argon?

The chemical formula for argon is the chemical symbol for argon: Ar. It rarely reacts in any conditions. The only force that affects it is the London Dispersion Force.

What is the gas symbol for argon?

The symbol for the element argon is Ar.

What Are The Balanced Equations For Argon?

Argon has chemical symbol Ar. The balanced equations will depend on what other reactants are present, but argon being a noble gas tends to be unreactive due to its stable octet electronic structure.

Is argon matter?

Argon is a chemical element with the symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It is in group 18 of the periodic table and is a noble gas. Argon is the third-most abundant gas in the Earth's atmosphere, at 0.934%

Ar is the chemical symbol for which element?

Ar stand for Argon, a noble gas of group 8 in periodical table.