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Q: What is the chemical that is formed when hydrogen burns in air?
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Hydrogen burns in air, usually with a loud pop.

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When hydrogen burns in air with H2+O2= H20

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when magnesium burns in air a white powder called magnesium oxide is formed which is a new substance this is the chemical change

What is the reaction taking place as the hydrogen burns?

Water is formed when hydrogen gas burns (reacts) with oxygen (from air) 2 H2(g) + O2(g) --> 2H2O(l)

What chemical product is made when hydrogen burns?

Hydrogen chloride (HCl). It is commonly known as hydrochloric acid.

What is formed in the air when hydrogen burns besides water?

Water is the only substance formed but energy (primarily in the form of heat) is also given off.

What is the hydrogen test?

hydrogen burns in air with a pop sound

Why do flames rise?

Hydrogen should not burn with a blue flame. Hydrogen burns clear. There must be another chemical involved.

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What is the word equation for the reaction that takes place when hydrogen burns in the air?

When hydrogen burns in air, it combines with atmospheric oxygen to form water. Since hydrogen and oxygen are undergoing a chemical change to become chemically bonded together producing H2O the change is chemical in nature.

What actually is produced when hydrogen burns in air?


What is the name of the chemical which burns in air?
