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Depends on the state, but usually child support is a percentage of your wage.

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Q: What is the child support price for one chlid and you only make 13.00dollars an hour?
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Can an eighteen year old boy be held responsible for child support?

Technically You are of legal age so yes you could be held responsible for child my suggestion pay your child support it speaks words...your suppporting your child :) Hello!!! A 15 year old boy can be held responsible for child support. If you you do the deed than you can pay the price or go to jail!

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Child support payments are usually awarded as part of a Divorce Decree in a court of law. If the minor "father" and the girl were never married, then he is morally responsible for providing proper support for the child. There is a price to pay for making whoopee ... the kids never think of that when romping in the sheets.

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Price support

Does a man have parental rights if he does not pay child support?

Yes, with a court order. Of the two, a child is far worse off having no access to the father, and society pays the price. see link

Do you have to pay child support even if the child is staying with you for the whole year?

This is tricky. Is it in your decree that you will pay that child support? If so, then yes. But, if you are providing full care for your child, you could argue about the price. Are they staying the whole year overnights? Or just during the days? These questions a lawyer will ask you during a free consultation. If there is something wrong they will probably prompt you to hire them to fix it.

Is there any difference between procurement price and support price?

Minimum support price is the price at which the govt announces to purchase the produce before the harvest. Procurement price is the price at which the govt buys the produre for PDS and for maintaining the buffer stock. Generally Minimum support price is less than procurement price..

If child support goes down can they make you pay the other parent the amount you got over the new payment from prior too the set of the new price?

I don't really understand your question, but child support is based on a percentage of the parent who doesn't have primary physical placement. That's usually the standard unless there are extreme circumstances like a child who has special medical needs, etc.

Can a guy break up with the mother of his baby even if they just had the baby?

Yes you can......but, stand up and be a man & pay child support. If you play the game, you gotta pay the price.

Promiscuous mom seeks child support from unknown father?

aok dont play... Before support is ordered, paternity must be established. I.e., promiscuity has its price and, unfortunately, it's the child(ren) who will suffer the most ... I assume she is demanding all the men in her town take a DNA test to see whose the father?

What type of products does CACP recommend minimum support price?

CACP recommend minimum support price in 2010 for Pharmaceutical products.