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The main organelle in the plant cell which photosynthesizes is the chloroplast. There are two main parts of the chloroplast: The stroma and the grana. The grana is a stack of thykloid membranes and contains the pigment called chlorophyll. The stroma is a liquid surrounding.

Photosynthesis is when water and carbon dioxide is converted into glucose and oxygen in the presence of chlorophyll and sunlight.

The chlorophyll in the chloroplast houses the process of photosythesis.

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Q: What is the chloropast role in photosynthesis?
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What does chloropast have to do with photosynthesis?

Chloroplasts are in palisade cells in plants, and contain the green pigment chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is what actually absorbs the sunlight needed for photosynthesis.

Where are chloropast located?

Chloropast can be found in Plant/Animal Cell.

What is a chloropast?

Chloroplasts are special parts of plants and algae cells. Their main roll is to conduct photosynthesis, which is how the plants/algae convert sunlight into energy.

What is an organelle found in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis occurs?

Chloroplasts, Chloroplasts contain a green pigment called Chlorophyll which trap sunlight.

What is the role of photosynthesis in food chain?

The role of photosynthesis in a food chain is called a producer.

What color is a chloropast?

Green, from the chlorophyll.

What is the role of cholroplast in photosynthesis?

In plants and other photosynthetic eukaryotes, photosynthesis occurs IN the chloroplast.

What is the role of chlorophyll in the process of photosynthesis?

Light ?

The role of chloropyhll in photosynthesis is to?

catalyse the reaction.

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