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An animal will have a full set of chromosomes (2n) as an embryo.

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Q: What is the chromosome number for an embryo?
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Can an embryo develop with one x chromosome?

Yes, an embryo can develop with one X chromosome, rather than the XX or XY chromosome pair. An example of this is girls born with Turner's syndrome, who have only one X chromosome.

What is y-chromosoze?

Y chromosome is the 2nd chromosome in a male homolouge it has the contribution in sex determination of the embryo.

What chromosome tells us the sex of a human?

The X and Y sex chromosomes. If the embryo inherits an X and Y chromosome, it will be male. If the embryo inherits two X chromosomes, it will be female.

What would happen to the chromosome number in the offspring if meiosis did not occur?

we will get a zygote with triploid chromosomal content,but this case is inviable so the embryo will die after a certain period.

An embryo is always stimulated to develop into a female because it?

lacks a Y sex chromosome

How many chromosomes are in a mouse's gamete?

Gametes only have one set of each chromosome pair so that when two gametes come together, the chromosome number in the embryo is correct. There are 19 autosomes and one sex chromosome in the mouse gamete.

True or false human sperm and egg cells have 23 chromosomes?

True. Sperm and egg cells are gametes, and thus are necessarily haploid. These haploid gametes were created through the process of meiosis. When the two fuse to create an embryo, the new embryo will then have 46 chromosomes, the full number for a human. The embryo will receive one copy of each chromosome from each parent. If sperm and egg cells were to have the full set of 46 chromosomes, with both copies of each chromosome from each parent, then when they fused the embryo would have 92 chromosomes total. And the progeny of that embryo would have an even higher number of chromosomes. Having haploid gametes is necessary to maintain the stability of the species.

What is the modal chromosome number?

The modal chromosome number is the most common chromosome number within a population or sample.

How does the chromosome number in a diploid cell differ from the chromosome number in a haploid cell?

The chromosome number in hapliod cell is 1 while the dipliod chromosome has 2

What chromosome number is diabetes type 2?

Chromosome number 20.

How does the number of chromosomes in a zygote compare with the number of chromosomes in a body cell?

Double.Each gamete (sex cell) has one copy of each chromosome. Somatic (body) cells have 2 copies.

How does the significance of meiosis maintained the chromosome number?

No. Meiosis results in halving of chromosome number. Chromosome number after one round of meiosis is half that of original chromosome number. Generally, meiosis takes place during gamete formation. So when two gametes fuse, they lead to restoration of the chromosome number. Hence chromosome number can be maintained in sexually reproducing organisms.