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The "halo" around the sun or moon is caused by refraction from ice crystals high in the stratosphere (which we look through when looking out into space).

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9y ago

The circle of light that appears when looking into an ocular lens is called the field of view. In a microscope, the ocular lens refers to the lens closest to the eye.

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If I knew the answer I wouldnt be asking you the question

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Q: What is the circle of light around the moon or sun?
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What is the circle of light around the sun or moon called beginning with c?


How do moon phases happen?

as the planets and moons circle around the sun, the moon gets less and less light from the sun and the light it gets from the sun is known as the phase.. when the sun hits the whole moon it is a full moon and so on

What is Circle of light around sun or moon created by light refracted by ice crystals in cold cirrus clouds?

"halo" "halo"

How many day does it take for the moon to circle around the sun if it could?

What do you mean "if it could"? The Moon does circle the Sun, together with planet Earth. Once a year.

What is the circle of light or plasma atmosphere round the sun or moon called?


What mean when the moon is not complete circle?

it means that the moon cannot reflect 100% of the light from the sun due to its position

How are the sun and moon different?

The sun is a star that is extremely hot and is a source of light for the planet. While the moon is a mass that orbits around earth and reflects light.

Does the moon circle the sun in a year?

Basically because the moon revolves around the earth so therefore it circles the sun to. It doesn't orbit it but it does go around it.

What revolves around the sun and reflect light?

the moon

When the moon looks like a compelite bright circle of light what is it?

The moon lights up by the sun. The sun's light reflects onto the moon making it light up (:

Is today moon will rise?

The moon never "rises" and "sets" like the sun does. It orbits around planet Earth.... At night, when it shines, that is not the moon's light, that is the sun's light that is reflecting of off the sun!

What controls the rising and setting of the sun and moon?

the sun is the center our this solar system, there are thousands like it. the earth is moving in a circle around this sun the earth is also spinning itself. the spinning makes the sun appear to rise and set every day the moon is moving in a circle around the earth. sometimes the earth is directly between the sun and the moon and the moon becomes shaded or eclipsed. sun eclipses can also happen when the moon is between the sun and the earth