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Q: What is the city that produced many Renaissance artists and scholars with the support of the Medici family?
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What is a wealthy supporter of artists writers and scholars in renaissance period?

A wealthy supporter of artists, writers, and scholars in the Renaissance period was known as a patron. Patrons provided financial support and resources to enable and encourage the creative works of artists and intellectuals during this time. Examples of famous patrons include the Medici family in Florence and the Pope in Rome.

What are wealthy supporters of artists musicians scholars and scientists in the Renaissance period?

Wealthy supporters of artists, musicians, scholars, and scientists in the Renaissance period were often known as patrons. These patrons provided financial support, resources, and protection to help foster creativity and innovation among talented individuals. Famous patrons of the Renaissance include the Medici family in Florence and Pope Julius II in Rome.

How did economics spark the Renaissance movement?

Improved economies allowed the wealthy to support artists.

Why did wealth lead to the Renaissance in northern Italy?

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Who were the patrons during Renaissance period?

During the Renaissance period, patrons of the arts were typically wealthy individuals or families, such as the Medici family in Florence, who provided financial support to artists, writers, and scholars. These patrons played a significant role in fostering artistic and intellectual developments of the time, commissioning works that reflected their tastes and values. Their support helped to cultivate the flourishing cultural achievements of the Renaissance.

Which group of people supported Renaissance artists?

Well, the Renaissance movement in general was started in Italy, by many famous artists in the 15th-16th century. Cities would hire and/or support these artists. After the Renaissance movement started in Italy, many other European countries started to follow it, which led to more artistic and cultural improvements, aswell as an increase in the number of known artists.

Why were patrons so important to the Renaissance movement?

The Renaissance period was a time of intellectual and artistic movements. Patrons were important because they provided support and funding to scientists, intellectuals and artists.

The Medici family played an important role in the Renaissance because it's members were?

wealthy patrons of the arts (apex)

What was a major movement during the Renaissance which focused on human beings?

Improved economies allowed the wealthy to support artists. Humanism, Individualism, and Secularism were the three major movements during the renaissance.

What is a system in which Kings rulers and Wealthy individuals provided financial and other support to artists?

The system you are referring to is called patronage. During the Renaissance period, kings, rulers, and wealthy individuals provided financial support to artists in exchange for art, which helped to promote and sustain artists' work. This system allowed artists to focus on their crafts without worrying about financial constraints.


It might. "Renaissance" (litterally: 'Rebirth') was about the renewed study and appreciation of classical art and science. That might theoretically speaking also have occurred through scholars and artists living in small towns or in the country. But art and science at the time were mostly practised under the protection and support of local rulers who lived in the cities. So it follows that most scientists and artists who brought about the Renaissance had to live in those cities as well.

How is Renaissance and architecture related?

The Renaissance was a time where the Christian church was paying artists to make and built scupltures for them to worship. The church also paid architects to build new churches and different features to support what they believed in.