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Q: What is the class of the food that begins to get chemically changed in the mouth?
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What class of food begins to change chemically in the mouth?

Carbohydrates from your food begin to get converted into sugars in your mouth. Ptylin is the enzyme form your saliva does the same job.

Where does it start to chemically digest?

Chemical digestion begins in the mouth with the saliva.

What begins in the chemical digestion of foods containing?

Chemical digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva contains enymes and breaks the food down chemically.

What in the mouth helps you to chemically digest food?


What in the mouth helps chemically digest food?


Digestion begins from where?


Where does the gut begins and ends?

the gut begins from the mouth and ends from the rectum

Where the digestion of food begin?

Digestion begins in the mouth. Mechanical digestion begins with the chewing of food. Chemical digestion also begins in the mouth with the enzymes been produced and used to break down the food.

Where does starch digestion begins?

In the mouth.

Chemical digestion of carbohydrates begins here?


What is a story which begins and ends in the same location with a changed character called?

the weird hefilup prices got killed with santa clause in a fire in a whales mouth o.k.

Why is chewing bread for five minutes considered a chemical change?

The digestive process begins in your mouth. Some of the substances in the food -- sugars would be one category -- are completely broken into absorbable nutrients by saliva. So, for the bread -- a food containing chemicals that are chemically modified by saliva -- there will be chemical interaction in your mouth.