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Q: What is the classification of sand and iron fillings?
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Is an iron fillings and sand a solution suspension or colloid?

iron fillings and sand

Is mixing iron fillings with sand a physical change?

It is not a chemical change. The iron and sand can be separated out.

How could you separate iron fillings from sand?

With a magnet : only iron will be attracted.

How do you separate iron fillings and sand?

magnetic separation-the iron fillings are small and can be magnetize so, by using magnets you can able to separate sand from iron fillings

Is separating iron fillings from sand a chemical change?

no... physical

What if salt was added in with sand and iron fillings?

maybe it will melt

What do you call the process of separating sand from ion fillings?

Magnetic Attraction:). Did u mean iron fillings?

How do you separate sand and iron filings?

You use a magnet because iron fillings are magnetic.

Separation method for sulfur sand and iron fillings?

use a magnet for separating it the iron fillings will go to the magnet and the sulfer will stay on the ground :)

How can a student separate iron fillings from sand and water?

To separate out the iron fillings, run a magnet over the mixture of iron fillings, sand and water. As iron is a magnetic material, it will stick to the magnet thus allowing you to take it out. Then, run the mixture over a filter funnel with filter paper. After the filtration, the filtrate would be water and the sand would be stuck on the filter paper.

What are other common mixtures besides sand and iron fillings?


Which is the best way to separate iron fillings mixed with Sand?

Use a magnet. The magnet will remove the iron filings form the sand.