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Q: What is the closest distance you may park on the approach side of a children's crossing?
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What is Jupiter's minimum distance from earth?

The minimum distance of Jupiter from Earth (i.e. the closest approach) is equal to about 588.5x10^6 km.

How close is Earth to the Sun at its closest approach?

We call the closest point of approach to the Sun "perihelion". "Peri-" from the Greek for near, and "helion" from the Greek "Helios" or "Sun".At perihelion, the Earth is at a distance of 147,098,074 kilometers or 91,402,506 miles.

When is the distance between the earth and sun smallest?

Earth reaches perihelion, its closest approach to the sun, in early January.

How far away from earth is it in January?

The Sun is at perihelion at about January 3rd at a distance of 147,098,290 km. This is the closest approach to the Sun.

What planet is the closest planet to earth in the solar system?

Venus is closest at 41,397,870 km or 25,723,443.84 miles. Comment: That's probably the distance of "closest approach", but often Venus will be much further away. Venus does get the closest to Earth, but it's not always the closest planet.

Which sun-orbiting body can approach Pluto the closest?

A comet can approach Pluto the closest, as can Neptune.

How far is Venus' from us?

The distance between the planets can even vary at different oppositions. The closest possible opposition distance between Earth and Venus is 38 million kilometers. This is the closest that any planet comes to Earth. (The point when the planets are at their closest approach to each other is called opposition).

What is the distance from Calgary to us border?

260km or 3 hours drive or 161 miles to the closest border crossing is at Carway directly south of Calgary.

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What is the closest meaning to accost?

approach or stop

How close does Saturn get to the sun?

Saturn's average distance from the sun is about 1.4 billion kilometers, which is nearly 10 times farther than Earth's average distance from the sun. The closest approach to the sun that Saturn reaches is approximately 1.35 billion kilometers during its perihelion.

What is the closest us border crossing from barrie on?

Niagara Falls