

What is the closest moon to Pluto?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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Charon is the largest and possibly the best known of the five moons

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Pluto has 5 moons.

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Q: What is the closest moon to Pluto?
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How far is Pluto from its moon?

Pluto has five moons. Its largest and closest moon, Charon, orbits about 18,000 kilometers above the surface of Pluto.

What is the closet planet to Pluto?

The closest planet to Pluto is Neptune, the closest object would be Chiron which is Pluto's "moon", although it is little more than a captured asteroid.

The closest planet to pluto?

neptuneNeptune is the closest to Pluto. Uranus is the second closest planet to Pluto. Saturn is the third closest planet to Pluto. Jupiter is the forth closest planet to Pluto. Mars is the fifth closest planet to Pluto. Earth is the sixth closest planet to Pluto. Venus is the seventh closest planet to Pluto. Mercury is the most furthest away from Pluto. The Sun and the moon are not considered as planets. The planet Pluto is also not considered as a planet.

Which moon is as large as the planet it orbits?

None. The closest case that we have in our solar system that of Charon, Pluto's largest moon, which about roughly half the diameter of Pluto. Since Pluto is no longer considered a planet the largest moon-planet size ratio is that of our own moon, which is about one quarter the diameter of Earth.

What is the 8th person to walk on Pluto?

Nobody has ever been to Pluto. The only body that astronauts have walked onbesides Earth is the moon. The closest to Earth that Pluto can ever get is morethan 11 thousand times farther than the moon.

Which pair of planets comes closed to being a double planet?

The pair of planets that come closest to being considered a double planet are Pluto and its largest moon, Charon. These two bodies are relatively close in size and are tidally locked to each other, meaning they always show the same face to one another.

What planet is similar in size to the moon?

if i remember correctly, Pluto was the closest planet to the size of earths moon, but now cause Pluto is so small, it has now been classified as just rock, and not as a planet anymoreMercury

What is Pluto nearest to?

Pluto is nearest to its moon, Charon, which is about half the size of Pluto. The two bodies are tidally locked, meaning they always show the same face towards each other as they orbit.

What planet is closest to Pluto neptune or uranus?

Neptune is the planet closest to Pluto

What is charon orbit period?

Same as Pluto. Charon is a moon of Pluto.Same as Pluto. Charon is a moon of Pluto.Same as Pluto. Charon is a moon of Pluto.Same as Pluto. Charon is a moon of Pluto.

How long does it take for Pluto's moon to circle Pluto?

It takes Pluto's moon 6.39 days to circle Pluto.

Which sun-orbiting body can approach Pluto the closest?

A comet can approach Pluto the closest, as can Neptune.