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i really dont know... thats why im asking it

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Q: What is the collapse of one or more alveoli called?
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One celled air sacs are called?

These are the Alveoli.

What is a lung compartment called?

The diaphragm is the muscle under the lungs that allows us to breathe. A compartment in the lung is an alveolus, or alveoli if you are talking about more than one.

How many alveoli are there in one person's lungs?

There are 3000 Alveoli in a healthy person's lung

What are at the end of each bronchiole are tiny air sacs called?

The small sacs at the end of the Bronchial tubes are called the anus.PL77 * erm i think you have the wrong organ system, that is the end of the digestive system bronchial tubes are in the respiratory system and the small sacs attached to the bronchial tubes are called alveoli they are air sacs in the lungs*

Why is 300 million alveoli in one pair of lungs?

The large number of alveoli increases the surface area over which gas exchange can occur, allowing the blood to become oxygenated more quickly.

The tiny air sacs in the lungs that take oxygen from the air and put it into the blood?

These tiny air sacs are called alveoli. These alveoli are surrounded by capilaries tiny blood vessells. These capilaries have holes that are to small for blood cells to escape but are big enogh for oxygen molecules to pass in to the blood stream and attach to the haemoglobin in your blood.

What is the name and function of one Respiratory system?

the lungs. in the lungs there is are cool little things called bronchioles and in these bronchioles there are many hundreds of smaller things called alveoli.

What diseases affect the alvioli?

Alveoli are the minute sacs inside the lungs that expand and contain a membrane that allows the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, called respiration. One of the major diseases that affect the alveoli is emphysema. That is when the walls between the alveoli breaks down and they lose surface area and become less efficient at respiration.

What is one important structural characteristic in the lung?

the alveoli. without the billions of alveoli the lungs could not exchange CO2 for 02

Why are lung alveoli covered with blood capillaries?

The Alveoli in the lungs have a very good capillary network because this is where gas exchange occurs. There needs to be sufficient area to allow the red blood cells to expel their carbon dioxide and to receive oxygen across the capillary and alveoli walls.

How does the structure of the alveoli help do it jobs?

one feature is that an alveoli has a wide surface area. If you know any other features then add them!

Explain the relationship between structure and function.use alveoli as an explain.Be sure to include more that one level of organization?

alveoli are arranged in grape like groups to increase surface area in which gas exchange takes place, the walls are very thin just big enough for on cell to pass so that there is an increase in rate of diffusion, walls of alveoli are moist so it also increases the rate of diffusion and the alveoli can stretch so that it prevents the alveoli form over filling with air and damaging the thin walls