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lightyears degrees Celsius

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2mo ago

Scorpio is a constellation and not a specific celestial object like a star, so it doesn't have a color or surface temperature. It is a pattern of stars that form a shape in the sky.

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Q: What is the color and surface temperature of a Scorpio?
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What is the color and surface temperature of Hercules the constellation?

The stars in the constellation Hercules vary in color from blue to yellow to red, depending on their temperature. The surface temperature of stars in Hercules typically ranges from 3,000 to 30,000 degrees Celsius.

The surface temperature of a star is indicated by what physical characteristic?

The surface temperature of a star is indicated by its color or spectral type. Blue stars have higher surface temperatures compared to red stars. By analyzing the star's color and spectrum, astronomers can determine its surface temperature.

What is Aquarius color and surface temperature?

Aquarius' color is often described as blue or blue-green. Its surface temperature can vary, but it typically ranges from 5,000 to 6,000 degrees Celsius.

Does the spectral type surface temperature and color all describe the same basic characteristic of a star?

Yes, spectral type, surface temperature, and color are related descriptors of a star's characteristics. Spectral type categorizes stars based on their surface temperature and characteristics of their spectra, with each type corresponding to a specific temperature range and color. So, they all provide insights into a star's surface temperature and related properties.

What color and surface temperature of a Gemini star?

Gemini stars can vary in color and surface temperature as they are a group of stars that fall under the Gemini constellation. Typically, Gemini stars can range from blue to white in color, with surface temperatures averaging around 7,500 to 20,000 Kelvin.

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What is the color of the star with the lowest surface temperature?

the color of stars with the lowest surface temperature is red

What is the color of stars with the lowest surface temperature?

the color of stars with the lowest surface temperature is red

How do stars get their colors?

The Color of stars depends upon their surface temperature.

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What is indicated by a star color?

The color is basically an indication of its surface temperature.

What is the color and surface temperature of Hercules the constellation?

The stars in the constellation Hercules vary in color from blue to yellow to red, depending on their temperature. The surface temperature of stars in Hercules typically ranges from 3,000 to 30,000 degrees Celsius.

Color and surface temperature of the constellation Pisces?


What information does a stars color give you?

its surface temperature

What color is graffias in Scorpio?

The color is blue and white.

What is the color of the stars that have the lowest surface temperature is?

Red stars have the lowest surface temperatures.

What is the color and surface temperature of azmidiske?

Also known as Xi Puppis, Azmidiske is a red star and its surface temperature is 8324.33° Fahrenheit.

True or False a star's color is determined by its surface temperature?

no it is not