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The usual colour of the white rabbit's eye is red.

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Q: What is the color of the eye of young white rabbit?
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What color is rabbit eye?

Usually if it's a white rabbit, it would have a red eye, but if it was a brown one or black one, then the color would be black or darkish brown

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How do you tell what breed the rabbit is?

there are many ways of telling the breed of a rabbit here are a few the color of the fur the lenght of the ears size eye color and markings ~Agashe

What is A white rabbit genotype?

The full genotype of a White rabbit is masked by the white allele which is recessive. There are two types of white: Ruby Eyed White is a rabbit with two recessive C locus alleles (cc) and the Blue Eyed White with two recessive V locus alleles (vv). The C site is the colorsaturation site where cc represents no expression of color. This is essentially an albino rabbit. White hair, pink skin and red eyes. The cc genetics masks ALL color. The V site is at a different genetic locus than the C site. vv creates a blue eyed white rabbit. Some information at various rabbitry sites indicates that a vv rabbit may show some distinct variation in the blue eye color based on genetics at different gene loci. The Vv heterozygous animals may be normal colored or show telltale indicators that they are carriers of v.

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No, I have eye floaters and I'm young, and they are black.

Why is white of eye softened?

it's the brightest color.

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What would be a deers eye color be with a white flashlight?

A deer's eye color with a white flashlight would be greenish yellow or yellow. This light is gathered by the eye while a portion is reflected back at the flashlight.

Can wild rabbits be different colors?

You do not need to judge a rabbit by its color. I did with my first rabbit and I ended up with a bunny that bit me and used me as a "restroom". Get a rabbit by its temperment. spend some time with the bunnies before you decide. the calmer the bunny, the more relaxed it is, the better.

What is Nick Jonas' favorite eye color?

Nick likes the eye color blue because it reminds him of the sea, he always went to the beach when he young.

How can white be a color?

Color is any pretty much any variance in light that is detected by the cone cells in the human eye. In physics, white is any surface that does not absorb color. Instead it reflects it all off making it appear white to the cones of the eye.