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it is a transparent solution

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Q: What is the colour of sodium carbonate solution?
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What is colour of an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate in presence of a drop of phenolphthalein?


What colour does sodium carbonate go?

Pure sodium carbonate is white.

Is sodium carbonate solution an element a compound or a mixture?

A sodium carbonate solution, or any solution for that matter, is a mixture.

What does 1M solution of sodium carbonate mean?

A 1M solution of sodium carbonate contains 1 gram formula mass of sodium carbonate dissolved in each liter of solution.

What will happen if a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate heated?

Sodium carbonate would be deposited at the bottom of the solution.

How benedict solution prepared?

A Benedict's solution is a solution of sodium citrate, sodium carbonate and copper sulphate, whose colour changes from blue to yellow to red in the presence of reducing sugars such as glucose.

What is the colour change when litmus paper is placed in a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate?

Red to blue due to hydrolysis

What is the colour of sodium carbonate?


Why is sodium carbonate added to solution before Benedicts test is performed?

Sodium carbonate is added to increase the pH of the solution.

What is the color of phenolphethaline in washing soda?

Washing soda is sodium carbonate and phenolphthalein will be pink in colour in a solution of washing soda.

What is the colour of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate?


What is made when iron sulphate and sodium carbonate are mixed?

when their solution are mixed iron carbonate solid and solution of sodium sulphate is produced..