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The closest family members dress in a special white costume while all other people dress in black.

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12y ago

You have to wear all white. If you; wear black you will not be looked upon.

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It is white

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Q: What is the colour of the mourning in traditional Chinese families?
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What does the color white mean to the Chinese?

The colour of white is usually worn at funerals as a symbol of mourning.

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red is the traditional Chinese color for good luck!

How would you dress for a funeral?

Simple and mostly black (a little white can be okay as in Chinese culture white is the colour of mourning)

What colour is worn a traditional Chinese funeral?

coulur full orange red etc

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In japan I believe the colour of mourning is white.

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Black is the most common color.

Comparison of Western and Traditional Chinese Management?

i belive that instead of dressing in white they dress in red because that is the lucky colour for china

Is the colour red the most popular in China?

No. Red just symbolizes money. For birthdays Chinese people receive money in a traditional red envelope.

Why did queen Victoria where black when Albert died?

Black was the Victorian colour of mourning

What do Chinese colors represent?

Red = good luck, happiness, life energy Gold = strength and wealth Yellow = nourishing, used for emperors (*but watch out: a yellow movie = a porn film!) Black = the beginning: a colour for young boys to wear White = the end: a colour for mourning Green = harmony

What color is a hong bao?

During Chinese New Year festivities it is traditional to give hong bao or red envelopes filled with money. Red is an important colour to the Chinese because it symbolises life, happiness and good luck.