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The pyramids in Egypt are made of limestone, which gives them a light beige color. Over time, the stones have weathered and aged, resulting in a slightly darker hue, giving them a sandy yellow appearance.

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What was the colour of pyramids in ancient Egypt?

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What color were the Egyptian pyramids when they were first built?

a white chalky colour

Where are the pyramids now?


What is the color of Egyptian pyramids?

A yellowy dusty colour, but originally they where brilliant white

What is inside the Egyptians pyramids?

some of the pyramids had many treasures of gold and silver that was buried with the Pharaoh when he or she died, most of the pyramids have now been plundered to nothingness.

Are there any pyramids in Sudan?

The pyramids represented on the US bills are not the pyramids of GIZA as everyone seems to discuss and assume. They are in fact the pyramids of Kush, in what is now Sudan. These were built from around 500BC, by the Nubians who eventually became pharaohs of Upper and Lower Egypt.

What is the historical significance of the pyramids?

Pyramids influenced new civilizations to build strong structures, and they were the basis of the constructions we have in now days based in geometrical shapes.

How have pyramids survived for so long?

The pyramids can be preserved for future generations by exercising caution now. They will last long if there is limited access to them, and the number of people allowed inside the pyramids should be very small.

Tell me what are the pyramids of Giza used for?

They are tombs of pharaohs, now they are tourist attractions.

What materials did the ancient egyptians use to buid the pyramids?


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