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Q: What is the command given to police dogs to urinate?
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Do prairie dogs urinate?

Yes, all dogs urinate.

Do police dogs attack?

when they get the command - sure. That's pretty much the Point of them.

Do police dogs have to train?

yes! definentaly needed to be trained to go on command and what to do in different situations

How do dogs urinate multiple times on a single walk?

Dogs sometimes have urges to urinate where other dogs's nothing unusual

Is it bad for dogs to not urinate?


What can a police dog do that regular dogs can't?

The most obvious answer, for me, is that police dogs can respond consistently and quickly to commands. Police dogs also know their chain of command: they are not dominant. Depending on what the police dog has been trained for, they can also detect bombs, drugs, cadavers. These dogs are also trained to apprehend persons (only when told by their handler), and are trained to do so in a way that will not allow for the suspect to sue the handler/police agency.

Why do dogs urinate on their food and drinking water?

they don't urinate on their food or drinking water

Do all police have police dogs?

No, not all police have dogs. There is a K-9 unit for police with dogs though.

How do dogs excrete?

Dogs urinate, defecate and respire, these are all forms of excretion.


Dogs urinate, defecate and respire, these are all forms of excretion.

Why do dogs urinate?

Their bladder tells them "it's time"

Do female and male dogs urinate the same way?
