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A Georgia Lottery commercial.

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Q: What is the commercial where a guy sings telling his friend that he dropped his toothbrush in the toilet?
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What tv commercial has the guy singing to his friend telling him that he dropped his toothbrush in the toilet?

All Access "Toothbrush" Advertisement youtube search for #OgAPyShfVwc

What is right friend telling you about that or or your friend told you about that?

If you are talking about gramatically it depends on the tense. Your friend telling you about that is present tense, she is telling you right now. But your friend told you about that is past tense, she told you before.

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if they are your best friend they should understand

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Tell them they dropped there pocket,

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I assume you are a girl and she is your friend. You need to keep this to yourself if you want to keep her as a friend. I know this will be hard, but your choice is telling her and loosing a friend or not telling her and keeping a friend. I would say keeping a friend is better than not having one.

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maybe try telling her to stop. try telling her NICELY. if you don't, you may offend her or you may even lose her as a friend.

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