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spotted hyena

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Spotted hyena.

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Q: What is the common name for Crocuta crocuta?
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What is a common name for crocuta crocuta?

Spotted Hyena

The scientific name for hyenas?

Crocuta crocuta

What is the scientific name of the spotted hyena?

Crocuta Crocuta.

What is a spotted hyaenas scientific name?

crocuta crocuta

What is the scientific name for a spotted hyena?

The scientific name for a spotted hyena is Crocuta crocuta.

What is the scientific name for the spotted hyena?

The scientific name for the Spotted Hyena is Crocuta crocuta.

What is a crocuta crocuta?

Its called the Spotted Hyaena

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the mammal Hyenas?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Crocuta spp. or Hyaena spp.

Which animals hunt their prey at dusk?

the animals that hunt their prey at dusk are: wolvesAardwolf and Hyenas: Hyaenidae - Spotted Hyena (crocuta Crocuta Read more: Aardwolf hyenas hyaenidae

What is the Latin name for the hyena?

Hyenas are in the family Hyaenidae; there are multiple hyena species across three distinct genera within this family.

What are all the species of hyena's?

The following hyenas are the extant (living) species of hyena.-Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta)-Striped Hyena (Hyaena hyaena)-Brown Hyena (Hyaena brunnea)-Aardwolf (Proteles cristata)

What is a hyenas biome?

Hyenas can be found in grasslands, woodlands, savannas, subdeserts, forest eges, and mountains!