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Q: What is the common name for burning of sticks made of a carbon and hydrogen compound?
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Related questions

Is a carbohydrate an element?

No. Carbohydrates are in a class of compound called organic compounds. Organic compounds have in common certain combinations of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Living things are full of them.

What is a common example of a compound in which carbon atoms are bonded to oxygen and hydrogen atoms?

Sugar is a common example of a compound with carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Compounds made from carbon, oxygen and hydrogen often fall under the category of carbohydrates, which are common to almost every living thing (including you!). Common table sugar is sucrose, and has the chemical formula C12H22O11. That's a common carb that you probably encounter daily.

With a few exceptions compounds that contain the element hydrogen are organic compounds?

its not hydrogen that makes a compound organic but carbon. With a few exceptions, compounds that contain the element carbon are organic compounds. Some common exceptions are, CO2, CO, all carbonates as well as all the allotropes of carbon.

What are three elements that make up most organic compound?

A: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen

What do all organic compounds have in common and list the four principal classes of organic compounds?

They all are formed from the same elements

Are carbohydrates the most common of organic compound?

No, they're not. The most common organic compounds are hydrocarbons - just carbon with hydrogen bonded to it in various configurations.

What kind of smoke is given when burning an object?

The kind of smoke from a burning object depends on the object itself. The common smoke that is given off is Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, and small amounts of Water Vapor.

What characteristics do many organic compounds in common?

Most of the organic molecules have good bit of number of carbons in it.An organic molecule having carbon, Hydrogen and oxygen is called ether.An organic molecule having carbon, hydrogen and Nitrogen is called amines.All organic compounds have carbon and hydrogen in them, the compound needs both carbon and hydrogen to be organic.

Is an organic compound necessarily living?

No. An organic compound is merely a compound that contains carbon and hydrogen bonded together. Common household organic compound include acetic acid (vinegar), isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), and acetone.

What do the four elements most abundant in life - carbon oxygen hydrogen and nitrogen - have in common?

carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen - have in common

Which two atoms are most common in the human body?

By atoms: hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon By mass: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen

What is made of carbon hydrogen?

Substances composed of carbon and hydrogen are called "hydrocarbons". Common hydrocarbons include methane (natural gas), oil and gas. Hydrogen and carbon are very common elements in everything that is or was formerly living.