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non-communicative diseases

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Q: What is the common name for diseases that cant be transmitted from one person to the other?
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How does the kidney disease spread to other people?

Most of the kidney diseases are not transmitted from one person to other.

Are there any other transmitted diseases like aids?

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is not transmitted. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes someone to develop AIDS. HIV is transmitted by contact with body fluids; blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk. Many diseases can be transmitted by the same body fluids including a variety of STD's and bloodborne illnesses like hepatitis.

What is the definition of an STD?

STD is an acronym for Sexually Transmitted Disease, which means any disease which is commonly passed from person to person by sexual activity. Sometimes these diseases can also be passed along by other methods, such as HIV.

Did Arab doctors understand how some diseases are transmitted?

Yes and No. Assuming that this question refers to medieval Arab doctors, they did realize that coughing, sneezing, touching a sick person or their pustules/boils, and other forms of contact would serve to transmit diseases from person to person. However, they did not have the "germ theory of disease" which is prevalent today and asserts that microorganisms cause most ailments and these are the beings that are transmitted from person to person.

What are three examples of infectious diseases?

Infectious Diseases include: All Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) and any type of Disease that is caused by an infection. An external factor has to be introduced into the body to cause an Infectious Disease. Also colds.

What diseases are associated with pubic lice?

Pubic lice are often associated with other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) but do not spread them.

How do communicable diseases spread.?

diseases are spread when a infected person sneezes or coughs. which means the germs will invade your baody and you will end up psick.

Can norilet be use t treat sexuntly transmitted diseases?

Norilet, or Noroxafin, is an antibiotic taken by mouth. It is effective on some of the sexually-transmitted diseases - the ones caused by bacteria. Many sexually-transmitted diseases are not bacterial, but rather are caused by viruses or funguses and other microbes. Norilet, or any antibiotic, is useless against these types of infections.

Differentiate between communicable and non-communicable diseases?

differentiate between non communicable and communicable disease? comm--highly infectious....can be caught and transmitted non comm--cannot be transmitted or caught....they are inherited , genetic or developed through nutritional deficiencies

How are hemophilus infections transmitted?

The organism can be transmitted by person-to-person contact, or by contact with nasal discharges and other body fluids.

Can headache and vomiting be a sign of sexual diseases?

Yes, headaches are actually quite common with sexual diseases as well as many other diseases. However, vomiting on the other hand is not seen often. These are not defining symptoms which would tell what kind of disease a person has.

What does the word transmit means?

The word transmit means to send or carry to. It is commonly used for broadcast media, and for Infectious Diseases that are transmitted (passed on) to other hosts.