

What is the common rock for finding fossils?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Any sedimentary rock, including limestone, shale, sandstone, mudstone, ironstone, and slate.

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Q: What is the common rock for finding fossils?
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Where can you find fossils in SoulSilver?

Use Rock Smash on rocks, and you have a chance of finding them.

What characteristics are most common in sedimentary rock?

they have fossils.

Where do you find fossils in soulsilver?

Just rock smash rocks and there's a slim chance of finding one.

Which is a factor that prevents us from finding the Precambrian fossils?

most rock form that era are deeply buried.

How can fossils be used to date rocks?

Geologists look for index fossils in the sedimentary rock to help determine its age. Index fossils are of organisms that were widespread and only existed during a specific slice of geologic time. Finding an index fossil in a rock means that the rock dates to that specific slice of time.

Are fossils the most characteristic that is common to metamorphic rocks?

No, metamorphic rock is not conducive to preserving fossils because of the high pressures and temperatures it has been subjected to that destroys organic matter. Most fossils are found in sedimentary rock.

Are there any fossils in wave rock?

yes there are fossils in wave rock

What type of rock do you fine fossils?

fossils are fine in metamorphic rock

Why do rock fossils form in sedimentary rock and not in igneous rock-?

Fossils are formed in sedimentary rock because the rock is formed at temperatures that do not destroy the fossils like the igneous rocks would.

Type of rock in which most fossils are found?

Sedimentary rock is where we look for fossils.

What sedimentary rock often has fossils?

Paleontologists are looking for fossils in sedimentary rock.

Are fossils rock or bone?

I can say that fossils are bone