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For Opiate addiction look for pinned or tiny pupils. dry gravely voice, itchiness. and most commonly behavior change. Most opiate addicts I know are down right angry and very unhappy as their disease progresses. When the addict runs out of his fix he or she will experience withdrawal symptoms which include. Runny nose, chills, diarrhea, high blood pressure, extreme body aches, lack of sleep and leg spasms. We call this kicking due to leg and muscle spasms.

Don't ever underestimate the lengths an addict will go through to hide his or her addiction. For the serious addict their drug will become the most important thing in their life's. Lieing and manipulation of family and friends is a guarantee.

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Q: What is the common sign of drug abuse?
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Drug Abuse Resistance EducationThank you for your apprecitation

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Drug abuse happens when someone is taking a drug for fun, for a non-medical reason. Drug abuse can lead to physical harm and criminal prosecution.

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The percent of drug abuse in middle school is 52%.