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Q: What is the comparison of adjective for the word empty?
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What is the adjectives of empty?

The word 'emptiness' is the noun form of the adjective empty.Note: the word 'empty' is also a noun and a verb.

What is the abstract noun of empty?

No, the word 'endless' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'endless' is endlessness.The word 'endless' is the adjective form of the abstract noun end.

What is the plural of empty?

The noun form for the adjective empty is emptiness.The noun form for the verb to empty is the gerund, emptying.The word empty (empties) is a noun, a word for an empty container.

What does the word vacuum mean?

As an adjective, it means empty.

What is the plural word for empty?

There are only plurals for nouns and empty is a adjective, so there is none.

What rhymes with emptiest?

The word emptiest does not have a word that rhymes with it. The word emptiest is the superlative adjective of the word empty.

What is the adjective in this sentence 'they set foot upon the empty porch'?

Empty. The word that describes the noun-porch

What does the latin word vacuum mean?

vacuum - i

What part of speech is the word shorter?

"Shorter" is an adjective, as it describes the comparative form of the adjective "short."

What part of speech is the word 'hollow'?

The word 'hollow' can function as both an adjective and a noun.

Choose the adjective in this sentence The refrigerator was empty?

The adjective in that sentence is empty.

Can you use empty as an adjective?

Empty is an adjective. To be a predicate adjective, it needs to follow a linking verb.The glass is empty. (Is is the linking verb; emptyis the predicate adjective.)