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0 deg C and 32 deg F.

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Q: What is the comparison of the freezing point of water on the Celsius and the Fahrenheit temperature scales?
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What temperature is the freezing temperature?

32 degrees Fahrenheit (or 0 degrees celsius) is the point of freezing.

Is ice cream 0 Fahrenheit or 0 Celsius?

Freezing temperature is 0 Celsius or 32 Fahrenheit.

What is the freezing temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit?

For water, freezing is 32ºF and 0ºC

If a temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit what is it Celsius?

It is the freezing point of water which is 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 0 degrees Celsius

What is the temperature that is freezing?

32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius

When the temperature is 0 degrees Fahrenheit is it warmer or colder that the freezing temperature of water?

The freezing temperature of water is 0 degrees celsius or 32 degrees fahrenheit so it is colder than the freezing temperature of water.

Freezing point for Celsius?

The freezing temperate in Fahrenheit is exactly 32 degrees. But as you may know that temperature is different in Celsius. So the freezing temperature in Celsius is different that Fahrenheit. Like I said before the freezing temperature in Fahrenheit is 32 degrees. But as I have been saying, that temperature is different in Celsius. I do know that the difference between the temperature in Fahrenheit and the temperature in Celsius is 32 degrees. So if you do the mathematical problem (32-32) correctly you will get the answer to your question which is "Freezing point in Celsius temp?". Therefor I am clearly stating that the freezing temperature in Celsius is 0 degrees.

Is 36.4 a high temperature?

You need to specify whether Celsius or Fahrenheit. If Fahrenheit, then it would be freezing! For Celsius, it would be really hot!

What is the average temperature for freezing?

0 degrees Celsius and 32 degrees Fahrenheit

What temperature in Fahrenheit is 0 degrees Celsius?

0 degrees Celsius is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Both represent the freezing point of water.

If temperature is 32farehite what is it in celsius temperature?

32 degrees Fahrenheit is the equivalent of 0 degrees Celsius and they are both the freezing point of water.

Which would feel warmer 10 degrees celsius or 10 degrees Fahrenheit and WHY?

10 degrees Celsius because that is 10 degrees warmer than the freezing temperature (which is 0 degrees Celsius) where as Fahrenheit would be 23 degrees colder than the freezing temperature (which is 32 degrees Fahrenheit)