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flexion exstention

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Q: What is the concentric joint action of the hamstring curl?
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Is concentric action of a bicep curl a flexion?

yes it is, when holding a weight your arm is extended/ extension, when performing a bicep curl your arm becomes contracted which mean flexion. hope that this helped!! :)

Which machine works with hamstring muscules?

Leg Curl

What is the joint action during the eccentric phase of a biceps curl?

A concentric movement would be flexing the elbow and curling a dumbbell towards the shoulder, an eccentric contraction would be the opposite movement ie bringing the dumbbell back down towards the thigh.

What joint actions occurring in a lateral raise during the concentric and eccentric phase?

To see eccentric contraction, look at the biceps curl with flexion around the elbow. As you lower a weight, you are working against resistance, letting the joint angle increase to lower that object under your control.The opposite is the concentric contraction were the arm is flexed upward to decrease the angle at the elbow.

Which muscle group is primarily worked by the bent knee curl-up?

Hamstring - Semimembraneous

The leg curl is a muscular exercise that primarily works which muscle group?

The leg curl whether standing or sitting works the hamstring muscles, biceps femoris, which are on the back of the thigh.

When performing a partial curl-up the joint action?

Type your answer here... The joint action is Spinal FlexionOpen in Google Docs ViewerOpen link in new tabOpen link in new windowOpen link in new incognito windowDownload fileCopy link addressEdit PDF File on

What muscle contraction occurs in the biceps brachii during the upward phase of the bicep curl?

a concentric contraction- a concentric contraction involves the muscle length, shortening during a contraction! YA-trick-YA!

What is the difference between muscle flexing and and muscle extension?

when u flex it, it tightens, when u extend it, it stretches Flexion is when a muscle action decreases the angle at a joint, extension is when the angle increases. A simple example is bicep curl, flexion is when the hand is brought up towards the shoulder, decreasing the angle at the elbow joint. Just because a muscle is performing flexion or extension does not not mean it is contracting or stretching, that is eccentric and concentric movement. A muscle can still be tight when performing extension.

What are some knee strengthening exercises?

Wall ball squats, stationary bike, reverse treadmill with 10-15 incline, side step with resistance bands, leg extension, hamstring curl, PNF single leg squats, lunges, tri-plane lunges, ball hamstring curl. All these are great for exercises for the knee and surrounding muscles.

Leg curl is a muscular resistance exercise that primarily works which muscle group?

The leg curl and leg extension exercises strengthens two muscle groups. The two muscle groups are the hamstring muscles and the quads or quadricep muscles.

What upper arm muscle groups and types of muscle actions are associated with the dumbbell biceps curl exercise?

Eccentric Flexors and Concentric Flexors