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Q: What is the condensation point for a substance is the same as its?
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Why is melting and freezing point of a substance same?

"Melting" and "freezing" are transition actions, going from solid-to-liquid form and liquid-to-solid form respectively. The point is the same transition temperature of that particular substance. The same goes for the transition temperature of the "boiling point" and "condensation point" of a substance.

What is the process that changes a substance from a liquid to as below the substance's boiling point?


Compare and contrast between boiling point and condensation point of a substance?

There is nothing called "condensation point". At least not such thing related to do condensation of gases. But there is a fixed point at a certain pressure, called "boiling point", means, the temperature at which a liquid boils. But condensation does not occur at a fixed temperature like boiling. Think this way, you can see water drops on a cold bottle that occur by condensation of water vapor in the air. For this, just a cold bottle is enough, not a bottle at a certain temperature.

Is the freezing point as the same condensation point?


Are melting and boiling points of a substance the same?

The melting and boiling points of a substance (in this case I am assuming you are referring to a pure substance, and not a mixture), are the same. The triple point is defined by the temperature and pressure at which solid, liquid, and vapor of a substance, can coexist in equilibrium. At any pressure below the triple point, only sublimation and condensation are possible (no liquid phase is possible). Between the triple point pressure and the critical point pressure, there is a difference between the melting and boiling points, of a substance. The melting point temperature will be lower than the boiling point. At the critical point, the densities of the liquid and vapor phases, have merged, and boiling no longer occurs. At and above the critical point, you cease to get liquid and vapor, but you get what is referred to as a "supercritical fluid".

Is a condensation point the same as a melting point?

No, Gas--->liquid (condensation). Solid---->liquid (melting)

What is the same as condensation point?

boiling point

Which is the phase change in which substance changes from a gas to liquid?

Phase change of gas to liquid is cooling and is named as 'Condensation'. At the same temperature if the phase change is from liquid to gas then it is boiling point. Correspondingly for liquid to solid it is freezing point And from from solid to liquid it is melting point.

Why can boiling points and freezing points be used to identify substance?

It's because substances have different boiling point and freezing point. By finding the exact boiling point and freezing point, you can identify a substance. Keep in mind that a material's melting point is the same as its freezing point. These are just different terms for the same thing, it just depends on whether energy is being removed from a substance (freezing) or if energy is being added to a substance (melting). The same thing also applies to the boiling/condensation point.

The temperature at which a substance freezes is also its 1. Evaporation point 2. Melting point 3. Condensation point?

melting point...

What is condensation point for methanol?

Condensation point is the same as boiling point of methanol: 65 °C, 338 K, 149 °F

What has the same temperature as the condensation point of steam?

vaporization point of steam