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Multiple alleles.

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5h ago

The condition whereby a trait is determined by three or more alleles is called multiple allelism. Multiple alleles refer to the presence of more than two alleles of a gene within a population. This can result in various combinations of traits and phenotypes.

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Q: What is the condition whereby a trait is determined by three or more alleles called?
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What are two alleles that are different are called?

The heterozygous condition.

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The physical trait exhibited by an organism's genes is called the phenotype. (As opposed to the genotype, which refers to the alleles themselves.)

What is the condition called when two alleles for a trait are both dominant and a blend of the two occurs?

Incomplete Dominance

What term is used when both alleles are different?

The condition called in a case when you have a two different types of alleles is called as Heterozygous and when this is exactly the opposite that is when it has the alleles for the same source we describe such a condition as a Homozygous. This two terms are of most importance when you take the genetics

Characteristics such as hair color and height are called?

Characteristics such as hair color and height are called phenotypes. Phenotypes are determined by the make up of alleles in the body, known as genotypes.

What is A version of gene is called?

Particular Versions of Genes are called Alleles - one way they differ is that some alleles are termed to be dominant while others are termed to be recessive.

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Identical pairs of alleles are called what?

Identical pairs of alleles are called homozygous alleles.

Different forms of a gene are called?

different form of genes are called allele